Tag Archive for: ABPN

How to make studying enjoyable (even in the summer!)

How to make studying enjoyable (even in the summer!)

Earlier this week we were asked by Melissa –⁠

“I know I should keep studying because I’ve been putting in so much work this year but since we are in the middle of the summer it’s getting hard to do everything. I’m putting all my time into working on prep and studies, but I want to be able to still hang out with my friends. Then on the alternate side, I will go by weeks without studying because I feel I covered enough…what can I do? Is it even possible to enjoy my summer at all?”⁠

☀️Well.. thanks for the question, Melissa. The short answer is YES you can enjoy your summer & ensure you’re studying efficiently. Taking advantage of your summer break can make all the difference so let’s dive into our top 5 essential tips!⁠


Ensure you’re not overloading yourself. You should split your time between enjoying the summer, time with friends/family, & studying. It will help you feel more refreshed & focused. If you focus on studying too much…you’re going to reach the ceiling & not take on additional information.⁠


This can be done in any number of ways from writing a schedule, making to-do lists, setting deadlines, prioritizing your work, & so much more! We’ve said it before, everyone’s studying routine varies so find what works for YOU! Once your plane is in place follow it to a T!⁠


Now, this MAY not work for everyone but it’s worth giving it a try. The weather is beautiful so why not try going outside? A change in scenery could help you stay more focused. But, if you notice it’s slowing you down, it might be time for you to change up that location too.⁠


The saying goes “30 Days should be long enough to help you create a new habit.” We’ve found that since you’ve already somewhat tuned yourself to studying before the summer it may be easier to pick it back up.⁠


It’s summer after all… so get yourself a treat or do something nice for yourself. If you have something to look forward to at the end of each study session it will help motivate you!

Are you ready? Let’s jump in. Brush up on your knowledge with a FREE trial of our Question Banks. Featuring Q-Banks for the ABPN, USMLE, Nurse Practitioner, and PRITE Exams!

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help? Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

Taking Your Psychiatric Board Exams: The real costs broken down

Taking Your Psychiatric Board Exams- The real costs broken down

We are commonly asked this key question about exams, 

“How much does it cost for this or that, or this…”

Aside from your sanity…here is a compilation of all of the costs clearly stated just for you! Learn about your niche-specific costs for the ABPN Certification Examination, PRITE Examination, USMLE – Psychiatry and Neurology categories, and Nurse Practitioner Examination.⁠ ⁠⁠

Let’s jump into it!


ABPN Initial certification fees: 


Annual Fees:

(1) certification $175

(2) certifications $240

(3) certifications $310 ⁠ 


USMLE Application fee: 


Step 1 & Step 2 CK:

$975 (per each exam)

Rescheduling fee:


(dependent on the Exam and date of cancellation)

Extension of Eligibility Period:



Child PRITE:


Regular PRITE:


Nurse Practitioner Exam

Application fees: 

United States $350

International Students $750

Non-member: $395

ANA (American Nurse Association) member:


American Association of Nurse Practitioners Student member:


Re-examination fee:


Want to start your week off with a good deed? 

Share this with your friends/classmates. It will help ease their stress so they can spend less time searching the web and more time …WITH YOU.⁠ ⁠

Now that you’ve gotten the costs straight… it’s time to study study study!

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

Failed Your Psychiatric Board Exams? What should you do now?

Failed Your Psychiatric Board Exams? What should you do now?

So let’s say you’ve taken round one and failed… what now?⁠

Firstly, it’s ok! You’re human, breathe. Take a break and avoid freaking out. Take a moment to step away and have some much-needed “you time”. You’ll want to clear your head and get a new perspective, if you need a week or more…take it!

Now that you’ve taken time for yourself, it’s time to jump back in. Create a realistic timeline and schedule that will work for you. Cover the big areas and focus on where you were unsure.⁠

Don’t be afraid to change your studying routine. Ask yourself — Are there issues with your previous method? Do you have all the right/up-to-date resources? Are you staying away from distractions?⁠

Finally, when you’re going back in keep it focused on the questions and stay out of your head. We know it’s easier said than done but everyone goes through ups and downs. Check out our post on what to do differently when retaking the boards for more inspiration!

You may learn something from this experience!

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

How many attempts can you make to pass?

Our Top Tips: How to Survive Your Psychiatric Residency!

Our Top Tips - How to Survive Your Psychiatric Residency!

Ok, hear us out for a minute…⁠ Surviving your residency is easier than you think.⁠ ⁠ 

YES, of course, that’s a loaded statement… NO, we aren’t saying it’s not incredibly challenging (because it is…) but we promise you’re overthinking it. You CAN do this. You may have heard horror stories or that it was the worst moment of someone’s life but let’s be real. 

It shouldn’t be.⁠

 Thousands before you have done it and thousands after you will do it too.

How you handle it makes all the difference in what you’ll get out of your residency.⁠ Here are 5 TIPS on how to survive:


Before you begin anything, you should always go in with the correct mindset. If you think things are going to be horrible…then they will be! But if you go in understanding that there will be both highs and lows, you’ll be better prepared to face them.


This goes with most things in life. The company you keep will help get you through hard moments. That’s what friends are for. But this support system should also be those around you too! Other residents know what you’re going through, so be sure to include them. It helps so much! ⁠


We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again: Take care of your mind AND body! Don’t bottle things up, talk to your support system, and get further help if you need it. It’s a challenging time. Outside of this, being active works WONDERS. Your body will thank you.


You don’t know everything (that’s why you’re here). Don’t be a “know it all”, it can come back to hurt you. If you’re asked something and you’re really unsure, say that! Saying I don’t know will help you get the answers you need. Don’t feel silly. You’re learning!


It will get better!!! The start can be overwhelming and a lot to take in, but use that support system. Once you get in the groove, you’ll start to feel much more relaxed. Give it time. It’s long, draining, and emotional but there are perks. They may not last long but the amount of information and experiences you’ll take away from it, in the end, is all worth it. 

You got this, you can survive… you can thrive! ⁠

Still, feeling overwhelmed?

Contact us and let’s talk through it together.

The ABPN Exam Blueprint and Format Broken Down

If you’re walking into your ABPN exam unsure of what’s to come it can just complicate and add stress to the process.

Two of the most common questions we get are… 

“How is the Psychiatry Certification Exam formatted?” and “Are there any breaks during the Exam?”. 

We are here to break it down and walk you through the process!

Let’s start out with breaks!

Naturally, when taking an exam that’s 425 questions across 8.5 hours, we can’t imagine not being able to take a moment to collect your thoughts. Due to this, you’re given some time for yourself.

The exam is broken up into 8 total sections and after completion of each, you’ll have the opportunity to take a break. You’re allotted 60 total minutes of break time and you can choose to use as little or as much time as you wish.

So what happens if you use up all your break time?

You won’t just be forced back into the exam and can choose to keep taking as much time as you need (outside of your 60 total minutes). With that said, note that any time outside of your 60-minute time frame will be taken from your exam time. You are expected to manage your pace and timing of the exam. The optional break sections are part of the pooled break time. Once taking a break, a proctor must log candidates in after breaks. Candidates must be signed in and out each time they enter and leave the testing room.

ABPN Exam Format
Looking for more? Click on over to here for more information on the exam, OR check out our FREE video library that has resources that go over the ABPN exam, question formats, topics, and more!

Group Studying VS Self Studying (Which is better?)

an illustration of Students sitting around a table studying together. A text bubble reads "ok next chapter"

Studying alone vs with a group is just a personal choice right? Well not exactly… 🤔⁠ It turns out that studying can actually be MORE effective than when alone & have other pros!

🥰 When in a group…⁠
– You’re held more accountable to study.⁠
– You can feel more motivated as the topics will seem less mundane.⁠
– Human interactions can lower your stress and anxiety levels.⁠
– You get an extra rewarding feeling when answering questions correct (since others are there to praise you)⁠
– Share various techniques (you might find something NEW that works better for you!)⁠
– You can test each other so it’s not just constant question review.⁠
– You will ensure you’re not missing any subjects.⁠
– You will have a higher chance of staying more organized.⁠
– You won’t be the only one providing info, others can take the load off of you.⁠
– Best of all, you may build and create new long lasting friendships! You’re all going through the same things…it will bring you closer together!⁠

Now of course with any positive comes the negative so be careful… studying with others can lead to more distractions, side conversations, and procrastination ❌ If at any point the studying isn’t working make sure you make adjustments as needed.⁠

But hey…If you’ve never tried a group setting give it a shot!…it can be the great start of fun times after you study!⁠

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

How To: Create the PERFECT Morning Routine to maximize your success!

Image shows a man with brown hair running through a beautiful forest and mountain rage. The image is "How To: Create the PERFECT Morning Routine to maximize your success!"

Starting off the week on the right foot can completely change how your week plays out! ⁠

This is a KEY part in helping you pass your boards. If you wake up, rush around, and fill your morning with stress it’s most likely that your day will be filled with stress. It can feel like a marathon if you just wake up and jump into the day. That will then hurt your odds of having a successful study session. ⁠

Studies from @Forbes show that waking up earlier than usual has incredible health benefits. They state it gives you ample time to focus on your goals and conquer the day with more energy, mindfulness, and strength.⁠

✨ Here are some helpful tips we’ve complied after doing some additional research!⁠

• Let’s start with the obvious..get a good night’s sleep…you need to be RESTED for your brain to function properly. ⁠
• Avoid the snooze button!⁠
• Instead of snoozing, wake up a few minutes earlier and give yourself enough time to wake up. You can Lay in bed for a few minutes and ease out of bed.⁠
• Write down your thoughts! This could be a to do list for the day, or just general thoughts. Talking about your stressors on paper can also help relieve them.⁠
• Eat something, your brain needs nutrition. Even if it’s something small!⁠
• Do something you enjoy, this could be working out, going for a quick walk, reading a book and so on!⁠
• Drink a full cup of glass of water before you leave the house (or start working/school if you do it remotely from home). ⁠
• Don’t rush! Give yourself enough time. If you know you have to leave by a certain time try and be ready 10-15 minutes before that and make sure you have everything you need.⁠

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

My Psych Board vs. Them: Competition broken down and compared!

My Psych Board vs. “The Others…” who do you choose?

There are a lot of brands you can choose from, but we’re here to help ensure you pick the right one!

We’ve taken time this past week to dive deep into our competitors and give an unbiased opinion on what separates us from the rest… Now we know that it may seem we would only want to toot our own horn but after looking into everyone the choice is night and day…

So..why choose us?

1️⃣ Leading Customer Service
Our customer service is unmatched. We operate a much smaller team which provides a more custom and personalized experience while still offering your essential services. “The Others” are no match for us. They charge extra for your time.

With us you can ->
• Schedule a call with a Medical Expert
• Access phone & email support options
• Get assistance with an on-site or Telehealth Observership or Preceptorship
• Additional Tutoring is available

We are here to provide you with the exact services and content you need!

2️⃣ Top Quality Question Banks

When it comes down to our question banks they’re truly groundbreaking and outstanding! You would be surprised how many other brands either limit their coverage, content, or video vignettes.

Some features our Question Banks include are…
• Content curated by industry professionals
• Video & Clinical Vignettes Included
• Tests Customized by Subject
• Times & Practice Modes!
• Up-To-Date Questions
• Detailed Explanations
• FREE trials available!
& MUCH more!

3️⃣ Web & Exam Experience

When we dove into each brand we looked at several areas: Web content, navigation, accessibility, speed, and the actual question bank roll out.

“The Others”
When it comes to speed, the others average performance score of 22/100..oof… The pages are cluttered, finding the specific question banks to purchased are confusing, and the mobile experience was incredibly poor. We also utilized Googles “Core Web Vital Assessment” feature and found that most brands FAILED this on mobile.. how can you trust them to help you pass the boards if they can’t pass their own assessments…

With us, you’ll find an average performance score of 93/100, passed Core Assement, and great content. Each section of content is is to the point, easy to navigate, and gives you a streamlined experience. If you ever have questions or need a hand, you can always reach out to us!

4️⃣ Additional Content (Blogs, Social, and More!)
We’re the only brand that also focuses on other areas of content! Our social media focuses on studying tips, studying experiences, practice questions, real life uses and much MUCH more. With our blog you can dive deep into various learning areas and expand on topics seen on our socials!

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

How To: Choose the best path when studying for your Psychiatric Board Exams!

An image reading "Choose the best path when studying for your Psychiatric Board Exams!" - in the image is a dark path for stressful exam prep OR a light path for easy studying.

When taking your journey there are many choices you can make that will either help or hurt you in studying. Would you want to take a path that seems rocky & has a higher chance of failure OR one that is sunny & straightforward?

Everyone is different when it comes to taking tests & exams BUT, if you go into your exam with a clear plan your odds of passing become so much higher already!

🤨 “So what’s your advice then?”

You’ve taken tests all your life & know what works for YOU. Take a look back at some of your best / worst tests. Write down the areas you think hurt you & those that helped so you won’t make the same mistakes. Just focus more on the positive areas than the negative.

If you spend more time worrying & less time studying/creating a plan you’re just going to make things worse. You’ll just stress yourself out. The exam is only a small moment in time so don’t let it run months of your life.

⏰ Since we’re talking about time, remember to pace yourself!

Some people finish within seconds to spare & others finish early, but again, we’re all different. There are a few strategies that you can put into place. We’ve outlined two, but we recommend researching more about what others have done.

1️⃣ Review & Tag Method:
Read your question & choose the answer you think is right after thinking quickly about it. Tag questions for review & return to them later. This will keep you moving quickly through the exam hitting questions you’re confident about. When you complete the questions go back & spend more time on the ones you weren’t sure about.
(*Some exams do NOT allow tagging. DM us if you want to learn if you’ll be affected).

2️⃣ Using every second:
It’s not a race, so if you’re the type who feels more confident taking it slow then do it! Spend as much time as you can considering each option & remove the choices you know that wouldn’t be correct. It’s better to answer every question than to leave it blank. You still have a higher chance it’s right.

When your exam is done, leave it in the past. There’s no point saying “I should’ve done this”.Well, that’s enough for now so we will focus on what to do AFTER your board exams in a future post…

Stay tuned!

Did you know we offer additional tutoring? Contact us today to learn more! OR Jump right in with our FREE question banks!