Our Multi Modal Psychiatric Question Banks: Perfect on the go!

a mac, iphone, and ipad are laid out on a blue background. On each of the screens are a section of the "My Psych Baord" website and question banks.

Life can be fast paced and it can seem like finding the right time and place to study is impossible.

Not everyone has the luxury of sitting down in front of a desktop or laptop for hours every day.⁠ We understand that we need to keep up with your hectic schedule and find ways to make that time FOR you.

We have created a means of doing that by offering our Question Banks either at home OR on the go! Our website can be accessed and used from desktops to mobile smartphones to tablets. With user-friendly interface, we want to create the perfect studying tool that you can use- wherever you are.

With our ✨ Multi Modal Question Banks ✨ you can study with ease no matter where you are! Whether you’re at home on your laptop, on the go with your phone, or kicking back on your tablet you can access all our Question Banks unrestricted. You should be able to access materials to study for your exams in the way that is easiest for you, whether that’s sitting at a desktop or cramming a few questions in between rotations. Our goal is to make our products accessible no matter what the situation is.

All you need to do is go to our website, sign in, and start testing! 🥳 Want to try it out RISK FREE? Give our Free Trial a whirl and see how we can help you!

⁠Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!