How to get started

get started

There are days when the last thing you want to do is be studying. Maybe you’re burned out from a hectic week, or maybe you’ve been away for a few days and having a difficult time getting back into the groove of things. Whatever the case may be, here are a few tips to help you get started back onto your studying track!

Make a List

If you are a visual processor, it may be helpful to sit down and write (or type) out a list of exactly what you need to be working on. It could be a topic list, it could be a to-do list. Whatever helps you categorize what you need to focus on!

Make a Plan

Next, make a plan. This can be a schedule such as “Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 9am to 10am I will go through the Neuroscience qbank” or “Each day for 15 minutes I’m going to read up on Developmental disorders”. It can also be a plan for a goal like “I will be able to complete the Bipolar qbank in Test Mode perfectly by July 1st”. This is to give you an orientation for your list to help take steps to accomplish the goals.

Make Baby Steps

It’s important to not expect yourself to jump in at 100%. If you’ve been in a rut, you need to ease yourself back into your habits and expectations. Start small, if necessary, by doing timed increments each day. Eventually you can increase those increments to make bigger strides in what you’re working towards.

Make it FUN!

Finally, give yourself rewards as you go. It’s OK! If you have something to look forward to, you’re more likely to complete the tasks at hand. Maybe that reward is going to get your favorite treat once you’ve successfully gone through a chapter of a book. Or taking a hot bath at the end of the day with a glass of wine. Find small things you can do for yourself that encourages you to keep going. It doesn’t have to be all work 🙂

The important thing is to just get started. Once you get momentum, things will become easier!

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