Preparing for your Board Exams: How to make the MOST of your time!
/in Board Prep, StudyingLife can be incredibly hectic AND it can be seemingly impossible to fit in studying for your Board Exams but with the right planning & priorities, anything is possible.
Think of it in straightforward terms…Each day we’re 86,400 seconds the same as before, and the same as the subsequent day. But as you add tasks, activities, and other daily necessities that number shrinks and it can feel like there’s no time left to study or even eat (oof).
“So what do I do?!” you may question.
Well, it’s simple, zoom out and take a glance at your days and weeks ahead. What do you have planned that’s truly paramount? Well, we know at base level eating and studying are essential, one you need to live, and the other you need to pass your Board Exams.
What else is paramount & essential?
- Is it taking the proper amount of time or is it a waste?
- Can you be doing some of the essential tasks together OR around the same time so you make the most of your downtime?
- What’s NOT paramount? (That’s the most important question you need to ask yourself.)
Your time comes down to prioritizing your days. While at first sitting down and laying it all out can seem like just another task added to your already packed day but if you sit and plan it once, you’re going to end up being less stressed when it comes down to it. Then, when you’re studying and feeling stressed change your mindset!
*REMEMBER: As you study and go through each question remember that for every second spent studying you are one step closer to being fully prepared AND one step closer to passing your Board Exams.
So the takeaway?
Prioritize your days & get your mind right! Plan plan plan… create a plan, and attack it! Next thing you know you’ll be in the groove and ready to pass your Board Exams with ease, and hey, we’re here every step of the way to help YOU!
Ready to dive in? Utilize our expert-curated Question Banks and maximize your studying today!
Need more guidance?
Contact us today! We’ll help YOU pass your Boards with ease!
DID YOU KNOW: The USMLE Exam is Pass/Fail. Here’s what’s changed!
/in Board Prep, StudyingWhen taking the USMLE Exam you will receive a pass/fail result instead of the previous “3-digit score”. Did you know that…? If not.. well…now you do!
So what’s changed?
Well, honestly nothing besides the score… This shouldn’t change how you’re currently preparing or taking the test so prepare for the USMLE Step 1 as you would if it was still a numerical score. The exam isn’t easy and asks you to apply scientific information to novel situations.
To prepare just take it step by STEP (pun intended…). Keep your anxiety low by figuring out the most effective study strategies that work best for you. Once you find your ideal strategy, you can focus only on learning instead of saying… “Oh no…. I have to learn this, I have to do that, oh my!”. Don’t worry about what COULD be and focus on the perfect strategy you’ve put into place.
Finally, remember you’re more than just a number or a test score so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
Residency programs are now going to take into account much more than a “Step 1 Score”. Pull together a letter of recommendation, evals, clinical exams, your service, research, and anything else that may show them why you stand out from the crowd. Be you, but be prepared.
You got this! —
If you’re ready to have help in passing your USMLE head over to to try our free question banks OR schedule a call with one of our experts. We can help build YOU a custom studying plan tailored to your needs.
Let’s work together and pass your USMLE Exam!
Need additonal help or tutoring? Contact us today! We’ll help YOU pass your Boards with ease!
How to create study habits that are long lasting!
/in Board Prep, StudyingYour study habits can make or break your success in school.
If you’re already struggling with how to create long-lasting study habits, have no fear… you’re not alone! May students go through the same issues as you.
The solution for long-lasting study habits is straightforward!
First, find a place to study regularly, consistency is key!
You might find that having a set time and place in which you study helps keep your motivation high as well. Even if you’re a procrastinator and tend to put it off until the last minute, finding a place that’s comfortable for you will make all the difference.
Next up: keep track of deadlines and important dates. If you know what’s coming up then you can plan accordingly and make sure not to procrastinate!
Once you’ve got those two things squared away, you’ll want to start thinking about how you study best. — Maybe it’s listening to music while reading; maybe it’s taking notes on index cards; maybe it’s something else entirely! Whatever works for you is great! Just remember: what works for someone else might not work for you.
After all your base preparation, don’t stuff & cram for your exams!
Instead, just relax and get ready for what’s ahead by practicing some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. You’ll be surprised how effective these methods can be at helping calm down before big tests or projects!
Once you’re relaxed and have taken time for your mental health jump back into it! Throughout the weeks set aside time to quiz yourself with appropriate materials or question banks to ensure you’re retaining the information!
Still, feeling uneasy or overwhelmed? Contact us and we can help YOU pass your boards with ease!
Online Psychiatric Exam Prep and Tutoring: AVAILABLE NOW
/in Board Prep, StudyingGet ahead this school year with some extra help tailored to your exam needs.
We offer test preparation and tutoring services for the ABPN, PRITE, USMLE, and Nurse Practitioner Exams. You can gain access to topics such as:
• Anxiety Disorders
• Bipolar Disorders
• Neurocognitive Disorders
• Personality Disorders
• Neurology
• Psychopharmacology
• & Much more!
So what’s all the fanfare about our exam prep?
Our approach offers access to unique questions and courses that prepare medical students and residents for their certifying exams. With our variety of test modes, multiple-choice questions, and vignettes you’ll finish our sessions feeling more comfortable and confident on your road to the exams!
This program offers access to unique courses and question banks to prepare residents and medical students for their certifying exams. Each question is specifically tailored to the required difficulty and type of questions expected for their respective examination. New questions are continually being added to the question banks, ensuring the most current and up-to-date information is being made available. Individualized tutoring is offered to maximize user support; we meet with you to discuss your studying strategies, identify your goals, and target the area of study in which you need the most improvement. Finally, a tailored study plan is created to help you achieve your goals!
Who is My Psych Board?
Prepare to pass your board exams with ease! My Psych Board offers access to four question banks, each uniquely tailored to the studying needs of those preparing to take the ABPN Certification Examination, PRITE Examination, USMLE – Psychiatry and Neurology categories, and Nurse Practitioner Examination.
Within our customer service, we strive to provide you with the tools necessary to overcome any of your questions and obstacles that may get in your way. From general information, tutor calls, and just being someone to talk you through the challenging times of taking your board exams; we’re here for you!
For more information or to get started, please call (216) 293-0282, email, or head to our contact page here
Studying Tips Broken Down: Set yourself up for success!
/in General, Health and Wellness, StudyingTime to get back to studying… wow… it seems like just yesterday the summer was just kicking off!
Now it’s time to head back to school, so naturally, we’ve received some DMs asking “How can I make the most of the upcoming school year?”.
Going back to school can seem like an overwhelming time and it can be, but we’ve put together a few studying tips that should help you excel in your learning.
Our Top Five Tips!
1️⃣ Get Organized…
Get all your study materials together, ensure you know your new schedule, and plan your time properly. Take a look at each class; What do you need? What do you already have?
2️⃣ Be Active In Your Learning.
Don’t just follow your current curriculum. Seek out other experiences and knowledge whether you’re in a group studying, participating in volunteer labs/programs/research groups, and much more. You can gain more knowledge and experience this way!
3️⃣ Study, Study, Study — but with others!
Studying with others can improve your memory recall, provide other points of view, and give you a great trusted group whom you can make memories with outside of just staying. Since you’re all going through the same experiences together it can help ease the stress. You could even utilize various question banks and tools to make the most of the study sessions!
4️⃣ Use Your Time Wisely
Just because others are going out every night doesn’t mean you need to… you can still have a solid social life AND go to school. Write down and prioritize everything you need to do. Ensure you have built a solid routine, and get what you need to do, but also make sure you are taking time to have fun too (which brings us to our next section.)
5️⃣ Take Care Of Your Mental Health!!!
This is last but certainly NOT least. We’ve said it before and we will keep saying it. Take care of yourself and your mental health. You need to ensure you aren’t pushing yourself too far. Find things and activities which help you relax. School is not forever so take everything one step at a time. Use your support group/study group we mentioned in point 3.
Need some additional tips or a tutor? Contact us today!
Who is My Psych Board?
My Psych Board is a board review website created by Dr. Abdel, MD, MBB. CH., founder and CEO of Westlake Brain Health clinic in Cleveland, OH. This program offers access to unique courses and question banks to prepare residents and medical students for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Psychiatry Certification Exam, Psychiatry Resident In-Training Examination, United States Medical Licensing board examination, and Nurse Practitioner examination. Each question bank is specifically tailored to the required difficulty and type of questions expected for the different board exams. New questions are continually being added to the question banks, ensuring the most current and up-to-date information is being made available.
My Psych Board is created by experts in the field and covers all the topics you need to master in order to pass your board-certifying exams. Feedback is given immediately in Practice Mode as questions are answered, including in-depth explanations that accompany each question for both correct and incorrect answer options. Additionally, students have the option of accessing a one-time phone call with Dr. Abdel to discuss their best studying strategies and one-on-one tutoring to help them gain maximum preparation. My Psych Board is customer oriented; we take your feedback seriously and are always looking for ways to improve the user experience!
How to make studying enjoyable (even in the summer!)
/in Board Prep, Studying
Earlier this week we were asked by Melissa –
“I know I should keep studying because I’ve been putting in so much work this year but since we are in the middle of the summer it’s getting hard to do everything. I’m putting all my time into working on prep and studies, but I want to be able to still hang out with my friends. Then on the alternate side, I will go by weeks without studying because I feel I covered enough…what can I do? Is it even possible to enjoy my summer at all?”
☀️Well.. thanks for the question, Melissa. The short answer is YES you can enjoy your summer & ensure you’re studying efficiently. Taking advantage of your summer break can make all the difference so let’s dive into our top 5 essential tips!
Ensure you’re not overloading yourself. You should split your time between enjoying the summer, time with friends/family, & studying. It will help you feel more refreshed & focused. If you focus on studying too much…you’re going to reach the ceiling & not take on additional information.
This can be done in any number of ways from writing a schedule, making to-do lists, setting deadlines, prioritizing your work, & so much more! We’ve said it before, everyone’s studying routine varies so find what works for YOU! Once your plane is in place follow it to a T!
Now, this MAY not work for everyone but it’s worth giving it a try. The weather is beautiful so why not try going outside? A change in scenery could help you stay more focused. But, if you notice it’s slowing you down, it might be time for you to change up that location too.
The saying goes “30 Days should be long enough to help you create a new habit.” We’ve found that since you’ve already somewhat tuned yourself to studying before the summer it may be easier to pick it back up.
It’s summer after all… so get yourself a treat or do something nice for yourself. If you have something to look forward to at the end of each study session it will help motivate you!
Are you ready? Let’s jump in. Brush up on your knowledge with a FREE trial of our Question Banks. Featuring Q-Banks for the ABPN, USMLE, Nurse Practitioner, and PRITE Exams!
Feeling like you need a bit of extra help? Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!
Failed Your Psychiatric Board Exams? What should you do now?
/in Board Prep, General, Studying
So let’s say you’ve taken round one and failed… what now?
Firstly, it’s ok! You’re human, breathe. Take a break and avoid freaking out. Take a moment to step away and have some much-needed “you time”. You’ll want to clear your head and get a new perspective, if you need a week or more…take it!
Now that you’ve taken time for yourself, it’s time to jump back in. Create a realistic timeline and schedule that will work for you. Cover the big areas and focus on where you were unsure.
Don’t be afraid to change your studying routine. Ask yourself — Are there issues with your previous method? Do you have all the right/up-to-date resources? Are you staying away from distractions?
Finally, when you’re going back in keep it focused on the questions and stay out of your head. We know it’s easier said than done but everyone goes through ups and downs. Check out our post on what to do differently when retaking the boards for more inspiration!
You may learn something from this experience!
Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website ( to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)
Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?
Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!
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My Psych Board
29099 Health Campus Dr.
Suite 280
Westlake, OH 44145
(216) 293-0282